Adult Dressage Night July 28


Adult Dressage July 28

SKU: dressage-20220728 Category:


HRC Adult Dressage FUN Night July 28

When:   Starts at 5pm (one ride, then supper, then your other test) and home before dark.

What is it?  A fun time to give horses and riders a chance to practice 1 or 2 dressage tests that they wish to ride.  We will have a judge to score and comment on your test and you will get your test back at the end of the day but there are no placings. This is not a show!  We will set the ring up to simulate a dressage ring with letters, flowers, judges booth and all the scary stuff.

What do you need?   Just the tack you usually ride in and safe, neat riding clothes including helmet and boots.  Fancy show clothes and braids are not required.

Cost: We will be paying a small honorarium to our judge so a cost to the riders of $20.00 per test each will cover this.

Stabling: Some stabling is available for $20. Others will have to tie to the trailer for the couple hours.

To enter:

  1. Select your 2 tests – they can be the same.
  2. Indicate whether you require stabling, and whether you have a mare or a gelding.
  3. Complete one entry per horse and rider combination.
  4. Bring the completed and signed waiver on or before Dressage Night.
  5. Email proof of NBEA membership before the dressage night.


Additional information


Test 1, Test 2

Dressage Level

Walk/Trot, Training Level, First Level, Second Level, Third Level

Dressage Test

A, D, C, B, 1, 2, 3