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Jill Stedman Dressage Spring Clinic

April 25 - April 27

Jill Stedman Dressage Clinic

Ride Times

There are a few times left. Contact Jennifer at jennhanson89 @ gmail.com for details.

Jill ride times
high performance certification


Congratulations to Jill on earning the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Competition Development: High Performance 1 (HP1) Certification. Jill is one of only 9 coaches in Canada to achieve this certification! We are so pleased to offer the opportunity to work with a High Performance Clinician to our Hampton Riding Centre community!

Jill Stedman is a dressage coach in Ontario, Canada.  She currently shows client’s horses at various levels with consistent success.  She has travelled throughout Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick giving dressage clinics.  From 2006 to 2009 Jill and her horse Rotterdam successfully competed at Prix St. Georges and Intermediaire I.  During this time, Jill was invited to and attended a clinic with Canadian Pan Am team coach Norbert Van Laak, which was hosted by Dressage Canada.

Jill has trained with Mark Williams, Lee Tubman and Cindy Ishoy and current coaches, Belinda Trussell in 1995 and Jean Paul Paré.  Under Belinda’s tutelage, and with the use of former FEI-level mount Bastiaan, Jill successfully achieved her OE Coach 2 Certification (Competition Coach Specialist).  Jill has remained active in the OE coaching program as a Coach Developer in Ontario since 2000.

Jill Stedman Dressage Clinic
jill stedman dressage logo

Work on your position and how it influences the horse while riding.  Jill takes an educational, fun, and positive approach to clinics so that participants can use the information to get the most out of their horse’s movement.


April 25
April 27
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Hampton Riding Centre
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Hampton Riding Centre
560 Lakeside Rd
Smithtown, New Brunswick E5N 3Y6 Canada
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